I think the word Community is the operant word here. This is a large enough community to qualify as a small Town and have a Post office.
Whenever you get a large number of people congregating, you will have diverse interests and personalities, and there is bound to be conflict from time to time. The question is how that conflict is handled both individually and as a group.
I have been delighted at the outpouring of concern when there is sickness and distress. I am appalled at over the top comments over something as trivial as Oil. This mirrors real life, I have seen both behaviors in my day to day living.
If we take the image of a Town or Community there should be other things to do. And like your own Town you participate in the things you are interested in and not the things you have no interest in.
This is first and foremost a Technical Forum for the SOHC Honda Motorcycles. It is the best of breed and I have found none better for any vehicle. When I was a member during the Greenspun days, the technology was very limiting. Today we have so much functionality, it allows for some diversions.
I personally stay away from the Open Forum more and more. I do obviously monitor the Babe Thread, and I look into the Inspiration Gallery, Bike of the Month, Trip reports etc, since they are very interesting.
I personally spend more time reading the tech postings than anything else. The Tech
section help me keep my bike running properly, and make improvements. To me it is the most important section. The rest is diversion and entertainment.
I am however not my Brothers keeper. As in my own Community and neighborhood, people move in and out for various reasons. I may miss some of them, but I continue to live there as I did before. The same holds true for this community.