Well, I've been taking my wife out for quite a few riding lessons & she was progressing really well, then...
...we were coming home from the RSPCA (got kitty litter & a scratchy pole for our new kitten). We were in our big white Holden Commodore family sedan. It was late afternoon, the sun was almost setting. We were on a suburban main road. A small green SUV did a sudden U-turn 50 feet in front of us. Due to the fact that I drive like an old man, plus years of motorcycling experience, I slowed quickly & avoided her. The young guy on the 150cc Italjet scooter going the other way wasn't so lucky.
Damn, that sight is gonna stay with me for years. He hit the back wheel. I don't think he had time to brake. If it was a sedan, he might've flown over the back, but this thing was like hitting a brick wall (I HATE SUV's!). We pulled over just behind the SUV. Driver was a 30-something fat Canadian woman. Scooter was on top of the rider. His left leg went off at the wrong angle, compound fractures. He was dazed, incoherent, but alive. Cheap full-face helmet, but it worked. Good armored jacket. But damn, his legs...
The paramedics got there real quick. Gee, those guys are freaking awesome! When I saw the cops pull in I walked up & made sure to give MY version of events. A dumbass lazy driver pulling a stupid U-turn when she shouldn't have. She lived real close by, so I'm guessing she missed her driveway & didn't want to go back around the block. She said she saw the scooter "but he must've been going faster than I thought".
So, my wife is kinda freaked. Her immediate reaction was "Sell my bike!". She's calming down now. I said "It's good to have that vision in your head if you're going to ride, it makes you more aware of the stupid things car drivers can do". I also explained that an experienced rider probably wouldn't have hit her. As I say to my bicycle riding kids "Remember, it's nothing personal, but they are all trying to kill you!".
Maybe she'll get back on the bike in a couple of weeks. I don't want her to give up, I was kinda looking forward to riding together.