I knew that my family (the SOHC4 family) would be there for us and I am SO grateful. I just still can't believe it. We were married 38yrs ago last Jan. We both had 1969 Plymouth road runners and that was how we met. Back then, when one rr owner would see another. they would "beep beep" the horn. Well, she saw me 1st and "beep beeped" and of course I responded. I was sitting in a Shoney's Big Boy and she pulled in beside me. We talked for a bit and went our separate ways. Then it dawned on me that I had not gotten her name, address or phone number!

I promise you all that I spent every bit of my time off for the next month, trying to find her again. Now, even back then, Little Rock was a BIG town! I would stay out til around 1AM each day, looking for her and her car. Around the end of Sept, I was talking with a buddy who was a "rent-a-cop" (that's what we called those who worked the fast food places to keep folks from congregating) and he said, "Is it like THAT car?" as she went on a road behind us. I had to go around at least the area of about 3 city blocks just to get going in the same direction that she was going. She hadn't seen me and didn't know I was even around. I caught up with her, she pulled over, we talked, I got her name, her address, her phone number AND followed her home!

From that moment on, I dated her EVERY single day til we got married and her folks say that Brenda married me to get me off of their front porch.
I am having some bad moments off and on. I keep thinking that it hasn't happened, even though I've seen her. We were looking forward to going to my Dad's place down on the lake and spending some really peaceful times there. I just can't believe it!
Brenda K. Van Pelt
Oct 3, 1951 - Jul 1, 2009