Thank you ALL. I
would like to acknowledge each and every post, but I just simply don't have the time and I am using up Kleenex by the boxes.
I'm just not handling this very well, I'm used to trying to be there for others and being in this position myself is really hard to handle.

I'm really trying to keep it together for my Daughter and Sarah (my Daughter's worker, who is like another Daughter herself)
I keep checking in her as I can, so I can keep up with all the responses and all, because I want everyone of you to know how very much I care about you all AND this place.
It's really ironic to me how Karla (my Daughter) is holding up, trying to help me, in this time. That has to be God's work. Now, a little later down the road, she'll have a problem with it, but for now, she's my rock.
I STILL just can't believe it!
When I went to post this, I found that James (droopy) had posted.
I am so sorry for your loss bill
i just don't know what 2 say I'm still in shock
Me too James, me too.
thank you