Bill, I was in "the system" when I was younger, and although it is a different set up than what you and Brenda participate in, I'd like to say on those you helps behalf "Thanks".
Most people have no idea how much strength it takes to help people, let alone special needs people. I can honestly say, that although it seems like you have alot on your plate, you WILL make it through and you will be stronger than ever.
It should be no surprise to you though, for the strength that you use to be patient, kind and loving in your day to day life (even when Brenda was there) is the same "glue" that is going to help you get through all of this. A lesser man would've abandoned us, and left us all hanging on your words wondering how you're doing.
Just remember, it takes a very unique person to do what you do Bill. Your special to all of us, and we have faith that you'll continue giving, even when you think you haven't anymore left.
You've managed to really shake me, because I just try to help them to feel like they have a place in life, because they do! For too many years, folks with special needs were kept either at home or IN homes (institutions or such). You never saw them, except maybe on rare occasion. Now, they are "out there" and place are being created to give them a place to work, earn some money (though not much, but it is something), be somewhat independent and have accomplishments. I've been doing this sort of stuff for 10yrs now and I've learned quite a bit myself. Now, something else that I don't think I've told. Back when I was a newborn, my parents were keeping (what was called) "welfare children". They would usually have 1 or maybe 2 at a time and my parents were newly weds when they started doing this. I remember, at least 1 boy and 2 girls. One of those girls ended up staying with us AND my parents tried to adopt her, but the mother, who wouldn't take care of her, would not release her either.

That young 12 yr old girl helped to raise me and, to this very day, I claim her as my Sister. Her name was Margaret. I say "was" because 1 yr after she helped my Dad and me get over my Mom's death, SHE died.

Now, she and David didn't get along, because she would go toe to toe with him over his attitude and such.

Maybe that's what helps give me the compassion to try to help others like that, I don't know.
As far as abandoning you all, there is no way (that I'm aware of) that I'd do that. Being of Dutch descent, I'm pretty good example of the "Hard Headed Dutchman".

And besides, that works
Both ways. I wouldn't know how to act, if I couldn't come on here and be a part of this place and all of you who are a part of
it as well. The "SOHC4 Family" is very much a part of me, a
Big part!
Thank you for your kind words, but I just try to help others, you know? I actually got into working with folks like that, when I was working at a GMC dealership (in Shipping & Receiving in the parts room) and, after a while, I began looking for something better. I was retired from Civil Service, but needed more income because of our Daughter being Special Needs also. Finally, after having a hard time coming up with something, Brenda and the mother of the youngman that I mainly work with, convinced me to give it a try. And the man who would be our boss (my wife was already working for another place like Bost but was changing over to Bost), told my wife that "if he'll just fill out the application, He's Hired". So, I did it and Brenda and I started working for Bost 10 yrs ago this month.