Well, as I said it takes a very unique person to be able to continue forth with it.
I was a foster child, after running away from home, and over the course of the 3 years I lived with my foster parents, I had 9 sisters and a brother. 1 of those sisters I claim as my sister and we still talk. If it weren't for people such as yourself that decide they have more room in their hearts, I don't know where I would be today. That story just proves the point that Brenda must've been a beautiful person.
Thank you for sharing that story Bill.
Brenda was the BEST! Sometimes she was TOO trusting, like when she let some kid cut our grass one summer. We always took care of our own lawn and once, this young kid showed up and asked to cut the yard. She felt for him and said okay. So, he went at it. next thing I knew, he was there next time to do it again. Then there was a time that he showed up without any gas, said he'd forgot his. then, the next time, he showed up without the lawn mower. Brenda let him use ours, and then PAID him! Now, when he didn't have any gas, I was skeptical (but not Brenda). But, when he showed without the lawn mower, I was ready to send him home, but not Brenda. Finally, he showed up and wanted to ask Brenda to help him pay a Speeding ticket, I was furious and Brenda knew I was ready to give the kid the boot and told him come back later and let us discuss it. Well, we discussed it and I met the kid out in the front yard when he came back and told him that WE were not going that way. He'd have to find another way. She had already given him some money and I knew that he was using her. She really thought that he would turn over a new leaf and all. But a fellow at Church also knew the kid and said that he indeed was a user. Brenda was so quick to want to believe that there was good in him. She was a very giving person, sometimes TOO giving. Now, I must tell you that when Brenda and I discussed it, I didn't come down on her in a bad way or anything and She could hold her own in ANY conversation, Confrontation or whatever. I haven't seen that kid since.
One time, at a local Mexican food place, we were eating our meal and a young couple came in with a baby and sat down at a table. As we were getting ready to pay the bill and leave, She asked the waitress what that couple's tab was and paid it without them knowing who did it.

It really delighted her to be able to do that now and then.
Another young lady who we knew, in fact she works with Karla through Bost, had some financial problems pop up and Brenda tried to get a $500 Money Order to her without her knowing who it came from, but she found out. And BTW, I knew all about this because she asked if we might could
borrow it from my Dad and she said that She (Brenda) would pay it back. I got Dad's approval and he said she didn't have to pay it back. Now, we'd known that young lady for years too! She has said several times that she would NEVER forget that time. And, in fact, she was the one I called to take care of Karla and James on the 1st of July, when Brenda died.
That was MY Brenda, always wanting to help!