Main emulsion tube is fed fuel from the main jet, and air from an air jet at the carb mouth entrance. After the emulsion tube mixes air and fuel into a froth, it exits in the the carb main bore via the throttle valve jet, where the slide needle inserts.
A separate circuit, is the slow/Idle/Pilot circuit The jet for this circuit has it's own tiny emulsion tube. This tube is fed fuel from its jet and air from a separate air jet at the carb mouth entrance. This resulting froth is fed to the Idle Mixture screw which regulates the exit in the main carb bore.
If you feed liquid under pressure into any of the holes of a selected circuit, it will exit at its most convenient point, so you have to block the ones you can se flowing to force it to come out of a hole that does not appear to be flowing.
For example, if you feed pressurized liquid into an air jet, and see it come out the jet hole, then block it and it should come out one of the remaining two holes. Block that one and it should com out the last available hole to exit. Now, you have "proven" flow to each outlet in that particular circuit.
The other air jet will feed the main emulsion tube. Pressurized liquid injected there will come out the main jet or the throttle valve jet. Block the one you see fluid passing and it should then exit at the other one.
From memory, The accel pump actuating shaft has a dust boot. But, there should be no fuel on the rod side of the pump diaphragm. I believe there should be an oring for the circuit where the bowl meets body. But, it's been a year since I was inside these.,