Before I knew this forum existed I made a long thread over at've gotten a lot of help, but there's really not a whole lot of specific Honda knowledge over there.
Basically to summarize:
I got the bike for $200, came with a parts bike too.
The bike ran, but pretty rough.
Rebuilt the carbs (all new gaskets/Diaphragms), adjusted the valves. Also put in new fork seals.
The bike runs pretty good. Rode it around the driveway a couple times.
I sync'd the carbs yesterday. The vacuum needles were very bouncy. But I adjusted the sync screw until the bounce on both cylinders were even.
The engine idle also seems to high..and it hangs sometimes. The throttle cables are loose, so its not that. And the idle screw is turned out so far that it isnt touching the controls.
Part of the problem is the return spring on the carbs. Its not strong enough. I kinda noticed it when I had the carbs off the bike, but I just lubed the heck out of it - that helped, but didnt solve it. So I'm probably going to have to add another return spring since it doesnt look like theres any way to adjust this one.
I also lubed the throttle shafts when the carbs were off. Everything seemed fine.
I guess its kind of acting like theres a vacuum leak. I sprayed starter fluid all around the carbs/boots, etc.. Engine never surged. I may try carb cleaner.
The air/mix screws are at the factory setting of 2 1/4 turns out.
In addition to that little issue Im trying to iron out, the front forks feel soft.
The previous owner told me of this. He was going to swap the forks from the blue bike. But I figured, why bother they probably just need new seals/oil. Plus the blue bike has air assist forks, which would be different.
So I put in new seals, cleaned everything up, put in the right amount of ATF fluid..They still seem pretty soft. If you press down on them, they dont just bounce right back on their own 100%.
I should have measured the springs when I had them out, but they were both the same length and they go in tight.
But, for all I know this is totally normal, since Ive never been on a motorcycle before.
Anyways, sorry for the babbling and annoying questions. Just anxious to get the bike on the road soon!
Thanks for any advice.