I could kill an entire day and God knows how many sheets of film around that location with the view camera. 
Do you use one. Never have myself but they are the ultimate in resolution.
I've been shooting 35mm and processing my own film for 30+ years

, always wanted to learn to use a large format cam, so about a year ago picked up a used Cambo mono rail. Very flexible, but bulky in the field. I recently picked up a very nice, used folding 4x5 field camera. Still learning for sure. I occasionally take a decent shot by accident.

Yes, great resolution when you consider a 4x5 negative is 13 times larger than a 35mm negative. I belong to one forum dedicated to analogue (film) photography. The mere mention of digital will get you in trouble there.

I shoot with a digital Nikon SLR also, so I keep that to myself on that forum.