Well congratulations on a great ride with great people!
I'd like to thank each and every one who showed up and made it an event.
Thank you!
The weather (all too easy to take for granted this time of year) was perfect, thanks be to the weather gods!
Paulages has a really cool little shop where he hosted the meeting place for us, thanks Paul! (really nice guy too).
I haven't counted yet (I have individual pics of each bike on my video camera, still need to download) but we had a bunch of Hondas and a few other bikes.
We had riders of all experience and skill levels, from newbie to "crusty".

That being said, I was concerned that everyone ride at their own comfort level.
Things got off to a good start, other than the usual last minute things (little things, loose chain, gas, etc)
Once we got out to Burnside things were pretty smooth.
Going through downtown P'town, all the people whoop'd it up for us, it was really cool!
Then we got out to Skyline and the fun began!
The wierd thing is, the vast majority of people slowed down for the curves! I always thought the formula was :
2x speed limt -5mph = speed through curve.
Example: treacherous curve ahead, sign says 35mph.
35x2=70-5= 65mph. Am I doing something wrong? LOL
As it was, everyone sought their own place in the pack and we managed to all arrive safely at RCT at roughly the same time (a couple got there "early" LOL)
I don't know what happened on the way back (we lost a bunch on the way to the party

) Luckily, Borkunit (Zak) and R550 (Darren) and my friends were on "standby ready five" (heard that in a movie somewhere)and took up the slack by consuming huge helpings of pulled pork and watermelon washed down with gallons of beer!
So here are a few teaser pics, That's my bud Dave and his sister Kelly in the group of bikes pic (they're such camera hounds!)LOL
More to come...