I'm back again! I've finally pointed myself in a firm direction and am taking steps to head in that direction. I've weighed a lot of pros and cons with different styles for this project:
Cafe: Love the look and want one someday, but the stance of the bike doesn't lend itself to it as well as a 750 or 500. Also, parts like rearsets and such are too hard to source for this model
Really love the look, but I'd have to nix so many of the important features to conform with PA law that it wouldn't be worth it.
Cruiser: Fits me a lot better, both in personal style and body type. I can source parts, it is within my skill level, looks good and will be the most comfortable. We have a winner!
In that spirit, I bought the first item, and that would be some twelve-inch black bars from
TC Bros. The look is good, the price was fair and their shipping was super fast. Their tolerances are a bit out of whack, as the powder coating makes the bars
just too thick for the stock controls, and the finish chipped a bit while I was monkeying with them. Over all, I'm pleased with them and feel that I got what I paid for. I am also planning to source some forward controls and link rods from them later this winter.
Pardon the pic quality - my garage is a mess, and my camera is not the best in the dark.

As you can see, I remounted the stock controls, minus brake line and cables. It is amazing how much more comfortable those extra four inches made for me.
I'm still planning on blacking out a lot of the shiny bits - Fenders, pipes, case covers, etc - and painting the tank and side covers a charcoal gray. That, coupled with the fact that someone commented that this ride is "as quiet as a ghost," has prompted me to christen this: Project Wraith.
A bit melodramatic, I know...but screw it, it's my bike.

As always, thanks for having a look!