BackFiring.. oOOHHhhh YYEEAAAHHh
I was the MASTER, till i blew an inch chunk outa my headgasket..

I have had cats stalking a mouse, go 2 ft or more into the air & land running the other way..

Please never try that near horses with people on them!
I a Wyoming & Montana sheepcountry try this..
Ya know sometimes there are like thousands of sheep.
Slowly press in your horn button, like just so it starts to make contact, but your thumb has to sorta float. Now get it so that the road vibration, makes the horn go on and off quite rapidly sorta like a buzzer, takes a few tries to get it working right. Bee--bbb-BAP--baaPP--Bapp....
Well Sheep being the models of intelligent beasts that they are, act like.. well Sheeple... and most will follow the crowd.. so when one starts to run, well they all got to..

Done right, you will get a wave of running sheep

, like the parting of the seas, like opening "The WOOLEN ZIPPER', you might say...

Just remember, ya didnt hear it from me.