i saw skynyrd for their first... and second (talk about milking their legend cashe

) reunion tours. they were the first group where i could honestly say i liked every song they did.
i saw blackfoot twice too, at the agora ballroom in ct. after the second time (for which we were an hour late... booze, but so was the band) on the way home and with a car full of hootch my pal and i shot bottle rockets from each side of the car at the traffic ahead. good times.
one of the best right here:
it was a tradition to awaken the lost souls the morning after with this. god, i feel 22 again.

bucky, when i was a wee lad the dead played at umass, i lived in north amherst and you could always hear the spring concerts, and the hells angels were in town supposedly their body guards or something. i bumped into a few too.