Bike is a 76 750F. Engine out of a 73K, though.
I had this thing running pretty good all weekend. The plugs were kinda dark, and I was planning on doing a plug chop shortly after replacing the spark advance, which was failing as indicated by the "F" and advance marks jumping around during dynamic timing procedure.
I got a "new" spark advance unit from bikeboneyard and bolted it in just like the old one came out, and I can't get the bike to start for the life of me. I cranked it and cranked it, checked for spark on all 4 plugs (present. weak on #2, though), put them back in, wired it back up and cranked away again. Getting gas for sure, too. It backfired through the airbox a couple of times, then let out the mother of all backfires through the tailpipe. BANG!
Every bird in earshot took off like it was hunting season and every dog in my apartment building and the neighboring apartment buildings, and the park across the street started yapping its fool head off.
After the first few exasperated, scolding looks from the balconies on my tower I decided to pack it in and see what the forums think.
So, what do you guys think? Should I move to a different apartment building?
Also, what did I mess up while I was replacing my spark advance?