Man, with all that's been going on, I'm wanting to have something uplifting and exciting to post here.
Only thing I can come up with is that my Daughter seems to be holding up so fantastically through all this and my Dad has been so supportive while I've been going through this time. He tells me, I've
been there and I
know what you are having to deal with and it
does make me feel good to know that he seems to realize and all. Something else I can truthfully and happily say, is that ALL of you have really helped in a way that you will never know and I am grateful for that. Way back, when I 1st joined up, I was voicing an opinion about something another member posted (wasn't really appropriate to put on here), to that member, he seemed to understand and said that he'd take care of it. Then he turned around and posted (for all to see) what we discussed in a PM, to include my name (even though I didn't see it, a moderator informed me of it and let that member know that that kind of conduct would not be tolerated. It was also deleted). Then, at one point, I was told that I needed to remember that this was a place with a bunch of bikers and things were likely to be posted, that wouldn't seem appropriate. But, you know, this place (to me, anyway) isn't simply a place "with a bunch of BIKERS". There are folks here, of all sorts and I really have to say that I am
REALLY Proud to be a member her and plan to remain here, no matter what. As long as I am tolerated.

Well, I didn't mean to go on like that, I have kinda wanted to say something for sometime because, I just haven't (to me, anyway) seemed to be able to really express just how I feel about the SOHC4. Thank you for listening.
Now, back to the regular programing

I feel I need to clarify something. When I used the term, "A Bunch Of Bikers, That term was said to ME first and I was just relating it on to this post. I had absolutely no intention of making ANTONE wonder about my feeling of a Bunch of Bikers as such. If I've caused anyone to wonder about my feeling of a group of folks who ride motorcycles, I apologize. Some folks take the term to indicate a group of folks who are out to terrorize and get drunk. I hope that I haven't caused some to wonder about my intentions here.
Later on, Bill