The joke on this build has been that my bike should be called santas little helper
its an old drag bike I am puting the factory parts back on. but leaving the long swing arm. the bike had been putting around then left to sit the motor was broken and missing parts so i found a parts bike in VA and went and got it, switched out the motors and have been problem salving and repairing the whole way. this is my first bike restoration and its been a challenge but I have had some great help from my dad. he let me use all his tools and take over his shop, not to mention he has a wealth of knowledge about bikes.
I am about 60 hrs in to the project. I dont know if I am making good time or not but i am learning alot and I will def do this more. I want to do a real street-tracker next!!! but lets finish the drag bike to street bike conversion first.
I have some pix but I am going to have to get them up next time, for now its back in the shop!! wish me luck!!!