Yeah - it's just 6 miles away from me....somewhere....not seen it yet 
Well I'm out on it most weekends

I live near Wrenbury and the infamous Bhurtpore Inn !
I go to all the local events to support both the VJMC and my fellow Z1OC club.

Off to Cholmondeley Castle tomorrow for their "Pagaent Of Power" speed festival where I'll be thrashing the tits off it all weekend, unless of course I stuff it into an embankment

The ex-director of S+S who actually built this in the 70's is also going to the event, he's also stopping at our pad for the weekend. You can almost imagine how he feels as he's reunited with what I thought was the 10th one built, but actually turned out to be the prototype/development bike.

I hope to get another SOHC 750 later this year.... had a K6 donkeys years ago.
Actually, a CR750 would be ideal