Just found the thread. For those that haven't found my build thread, here's my '77 750F2:
Me on it in the very early '80's

Picture of it 4 years ago, after I added about 5000 miles or more to my Dad's old bike. He bought it used in '78, eventually sold it to his brother, who then sold it to our cousin. I bought it from him when I went off to University.

Started a restoration at that point. Powdercoated all of the frame type pieces, freshened up the timing chain and some other minor internals, built custom oil lines, polished/cleaned/polished/cleaned.......repeat. Started reassembly (still talking about 4 years ago), when I snapped off a bolt in the head that I'd simply removed to polish! Other projects got in the way (luckily I always had another bike to ride), but I finally got back to the 'F' earlier this year.
Here are some of it in it's current state