Okay, so I got in a hurry trying to do some things before the sun went down (even though I was under a light) and I would up breaking the little aluminum casting that holds the speedo cable into the valve cover. It broke into three pieces, one of which is still in the motor and is still holding the oil seal in place. The other two pieces are pretty clean breaks.
So I cleaned them up and JB welded them into place, after a day of curing, they easily fell apart.
Much profanity ensued.
SO I cleaned the JB Weld off and superglued the whole thing (The speedo still turns
) and let it go at that.
The thing is, I don't want to be riding and have those parts rattle off (I know they will), leaving me with a speedo cable flailing wildly around the front tire/hot exhaust area. So what can I do to fix this thing any better short of pulling off the valve cover and fitting another housing?
Any super duper aluminum epoxies out there? Would it actually be awful if I just RTV'd the crap out of it?
Oh know, now I'm thinking like the previous owner!