Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with a standard chain if it is properly maintained. These bikes originally had standard chains and metallurgy has improved in the past 30 years, so a quality, standard chain today is far superior to the originals. Now, having said that, many have switched to o-ring chains with no problems. I considered it for mine, even had the chain and was ready to install it. Then a thread popped-up here regarding the additional width of the o-ring chains (because of the o-rings either side between, the plates) some had encountered problems where the extra width caused wear on the engine case up near the front sprocket. I measured mine and it was very, very close and I didn't want to take a chance so I stayed with the standard chain. Many have had no problems whatsoever and swear by the o-rings. There are several threads on this here about this subject, try a search and decide for yourself. Good luck.