I have used a Shoei RF200 for umpteen years. I still like it a lot but on longer rides it can press too hard on my forehead. I just bought a Shark Evoline modular and the jury is still out - The most I have ridden with it is about 95 miles one day last week, but it seems ok.
I use Draggin jeans whenever possible. I only have one pair, so they can get kind of funky if I travel for a couple of days back to back. If they are too bad to wear, I just use jeans. I will probably get another pair of riding pants soon. The Draggin Jeans have Kevlar reinforcement in the knees and bottom. I hope it provides some additional protection if I ever need it again.
The jacket I use most often is a black Hein Gericke leather unit that was a Christmas gift from my family in 1985 or thereabouts. The front zipper has failed, but the buttons still work. It has a nice array of venting zippers and some well placed pockets. I recently purchased a slightly used Fox Creek leather jacket and will use it mostly in the winter since it is a little bit large on me but will work well with a sweater underneath.
Generally, I use a pair of old leather Georgia Boot work boots. They are comfortable and must be 15 years old by now. I had them re-soled before riding to Dallas in 2007.
Gloves are a bit of a problem. I have a hard time finding anything that both feels good and appears to offer adequate protection. For summer riding, I generally use some deer skin palmed gloves with a black mesh type back that breathes pretty well. I get them at Lowes or other hardware type stores. They are Wells Lamont I think. For winter, I use some ski type gloves that aren't too thick. I don't think either of these would hold up well in a crash situation if I found myself sliding a long ways. But something is better than nothing. For long summer rides, I will often alternate between gloves and no gloves at each gas stop. This is in order to provide a slight change for the throttle hand. I have one other pair of gloves that a friend gave me in 1990 or thereabouts that were from Sears and are good for temperature down to about 55 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Handlebar grips can make a big difference. Right now I am using some small diameter grips - ProGear

Evo 725 I think. They get uncomfortable after about 50 to 75 miles so I am thinking of something different here. The overly large grips are no good either...
I get foam type ear plugs at the Publix pharmacy. I cannot ride all day with them in because they start to hurt my ears. It will be interesting to see what others like for comfortable sound control.
I wear eyeglasses because I am near sighted. I often use cheap clip on type sunglass lenses that attach to my prescription glasses. These have been surprisingly reliable, even on a 700+ mile day. My new Shark helmet does have an integrated sunglasses shade that can be deployed or retracted by use of an external handle. I think it will be okay for most rides, but I am not sure it will provide adequate protection from glare coming UP from white concrete road surfaces. This remains to be seen.
I have been contemplating a fall ride of about 1700 miles one way and this is the gear I will use if I decide to try it.