I've been working on my CB350 for about the last couple of months. I had blown a cylinder about a month ago and replaced the engine with a Craigslist find. The new motor was very clean. It came with carbs, coils and wiring. I installed the motor and did a full tuneup on it. Cam chain adjustment, valve clearances, ignition points/timing, cleaned the advancer, carbs cleaned and floats adjusted. I could never get the bike to idle properly. I eventually identified an air leak at the left carb boot. I was certain that it would solve my high and erratic idle, and it did to a degree. But the bike still wouldn't idle very smoothly. The idles would rise dramatically 4 - 5K rpm as the engine warmed up.
Anyways, after rechecking my valve clearances and timing(which was a PITA with the idle being all over the place), I decided to buy a compression gauge and check the compression. I found that the left cylinder has about 128 psi and the right was about at spec at 170. I put a few drops of oil in the left cyl and checked it again. It came up to about 167. I'm going to start pulling the motor this week. Is there anything (besides the piston/rings) that I should look for? I've worked on my own bikes for the past 5 years, but have never cracked open a motor. I would welcome any expert advice from this forum.
I'm seriously bummed about this mostly because I had planned on riding the bike down to the AMA Vintage Days this coming weekend. But instead, I'll have to ride my 2007 BMW (how embarassing). In all honesty, the enjoyment that I get from riding my vintage scoots goes way beyond any modern bike that I've ridden.
Here's a pic of my ride: