Author Topic: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked  (Read 2795 times)

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Offline Caymen

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Re: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2009, 08:15:09 AM »
Both of those are where otherwise perfectly sane people do some insane stuff and it can be hard to tell who the bad guy is. As gratifying as it would seem to be to show the other person how wrong they were, I hope I would consider the legal ramifications and swallow my pride and just move forward. I'm not jumping on anyone here, as I believe the members here are intelligent people and we all say what we wish we could do, but at the end of the day know we shouldn't. Sorry, stepping off soap box.

Absolutly I agree. I know someone with a CC permit that was riding his motorcycle. A car tried to cut him off. He honked the horn to alert the driver. The driver flipped him off and he continued on his way. He got off at his exit, and the driver of the car, now behind him, got out of the car and starteded threatening him. "Listen here you M'er F'er. I seen you. You did not have to honk the horn at me. I should knock you off that F'ing bike." That guy on the bike pulled his gun and said I advise you to get back in your car and leave.

The driver of the car ran back to his car.

Without that gun, the guy I know could have been hurt.

The absolutly next to last thing ANYONE with a CC permit would want to do is kill another human being. The last thing is being killed.

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Offline tsflstb

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Re: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2009, 08:30:45 AM »
Lots of people have an axe to grind with motorcyclists in general due to tolerating others with loud pipes, stand up wheelies on the highway, etc.  Doing something as innocent as passing them might set some unstable folks off and they'll see you as a target out there. 

Then again, others are just plain jerks who don't realize they're messing with someone's life.  I was on a deserted stretch of Texas highway at about 7 a.m. on a Sunday morning.  No traffic for miles except for a semi truck in the right lane ahead of me.  I thought nothing of it as I  prepared to pass.  As I got about even with his rear bumper he swerved into the left lane, causing me to stand on the front brakes and lift the rear wheel of my VFR at 80 mph.  He got a good chuckle out of it.  Would have like to pull him out of the cab by his greasy mullet, but what can you do on the freeway?  I just got the hell away.  Living around a large city, you come to expect most of the population to be drunk, high, and packing weapons at any given time.

If you bumped into this guy's cart in the grocery store I don't think he'd go nuts like that.  Being in a larger vehicle triggers some kind of power trip in some people.  Another reason I don't ride much in traffic.

Offline 74cb750

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Re: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2009, 09:21:36 AM »
These kind of incidients happen. The smart thing to do is to back off/walk away.

Like my karate instructor said: You may know all the moves now, but remember a karate chop can't stop a bullet.

Don't know if driving in heavy traffic makes much difference as saterday I was following a SLOW pickup truck here in Vermont. When we came to a hill with 3 lanes,(oncoming lane and fast/slow lanes) he stayed in the left lane, so I decided to pass him on the right. Guess what? He sped up his new F-150 so I couldn't pass him with my 1976 cb550.

Then when the lanes went back to 2 lanes he slows down to 10mph under the speed limit again. What a jerk. The wife on the back convinced me to just pull over and buy a lotto
ticket instead of doing something stupid.

Carrying a gun wouldn't have helped because, have you ever tried to hit a target while you're moving?
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Offline noahspop

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Re: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2009, 09:46:33 AM »
he'll get the hint once you toss out a bit of pocket change at 70mph.
maybe a bit of center stand sparkage.

good to keep your cool gordon.

Offline demon78

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Re: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2009, 11:10:31 AM »
You could always do it the old fashioned way, pack a hand full of large ball bearing in your jacket.
Bill the demon.

Offline bucky katt

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Re: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2009, 11:56:05 AM »
You could always do it the old fashioned way, pack a hand full of large ball bearing in your jacket.
Bill the demon.

I do
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Offline Caymen

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Re: When Riding Is Not Fun and You're Being Stalked
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2009, 07:31:12 AM »
Carrying a gun wouldn't have helped because, have you ever tried to hit a target while you're moving?

You totally missed the point of CC. You do not bring the gun out to shoot at someone that is trying to hurt you. You avoid the situation at all costs. If you were to have pulled off the road to let him go on his way and he wanted his fist to teach your face a lesson, then he is trying to cause bodiy harm to you and you have the right to protect yourself.

People are all shapes and sizes. Myself, I am short(ish) and fat. I don't have a chance with a guy that is 6'5" tall and has a 38" reach.

My gun gives me the power to protect myself against anyone. I do not have to "run away" in fear if I am being chased by some looney on the road. If we have an issue on the road and someone cuts me off, big deal. I honk my horn, make my presents known, and go about my business. If they guy in the car doesn't want to let it go, then the ball is in his court. I can pull over to let him past. If he want to stop to teach me a lesson, I am not in fear.

I am protected.

1978 CB550K