First every search I did on google brought me to this forum where I have learned allot!
So I decided to join up.
Recently I had a CB550E motor dropped off on my door step, it was going to the scrap yard and a friend of mine said take it or it is scrap.
IT was built into a crude gocart frame.
I pulled every plug and cleaned and gaped it. I then checked each coil and wired it up.
Last, Pulled apart each carb and did a thorough cleaning. One Jet was clogged completely.
Here is my question,
The clutch linkage seems to be very weak, as in almost will not return on its own power.
When running the clucth will do nothing. IT will slam into gear and I have no way of removing power from the rear wheels.
Any thoughts?
By guess is this engine has sat in a garage for a good 10 years without running. ( judging by the varnish, that was once gas in the carbs. haha
Here is a picture of it,
And here is the project //rat rod tractor That it is going into.
A 1963 Jacobson Tractor
And while on topic, Any thought as to why it will only run at full choke? Normally this is a sign of starving for fuel, but I just cleaned the carbs.