oh my mistake. I like the look of the newer ones. TwoTired could you tell us what running 5k would do, if any negatives?
I'm not exactly certain if most would notice a difference.
The resistance comes into play during the spark event, it limits the spark current, reduces the event rise initial overshoot, delaying the rise time of the spark (in very small time increments), and spreads the spark energy over a longer time event, thereby extending the spark duration.
It is possible that the 10K resistance was selected to help reduce coil power consumption, by not allowing the coils to completely discharge before the next spark event. ...in theory. I've not checked the coil discharge time vs dwell interval.
I've not measured any differences and I don't have any 550s that are using 5K caps. The engine ought to run with either. Perhaps fractionally better with 10K and maybe with less draw on the charging system. But, aside from the theory which I believe is sound, I'm just spit-balling, here.