Thanks for the information everyone. I think I'll have a go at it and see if I can figure it out. The bike has a Windjammer fairing on it so I'll remove that item also. I'll just take my time and if I run into an issue a put a questions up. Thanks again.
yes that is the classic case of twisting a cam in half, right down to the "bing" which i have heard as well. Very distinct, you'll never forget it. If you can imagine half of that thick stick of steel being twisted by 50+ horsepower while the other half is seized into its easy chair from lack of oil.
I have never known this to happen to an engine that was never opened. Has your engine been worked on? Its usually a piece of debris (silicone gasket sealer very common) getting stuck in one of 2 very small oil delivery holes in the head. One hole for each half of the cam. There is really no reason why both holes couldn't get plugged, but I've never seen/heard of it, always one or the other. And usually the 3-4 right side which is why you lost your tachometer as well, it drives off that side of the cam.
It can also happen from running a big bump cam and the the cam towers will twist up and the oil pressure will spit out the oring that seals one of those holes. This is much more rare as it involves a big bump cam and overly aggressive valve springs.
Several threads here on this, so you're not alone. Proceed with the tear down. Someone here will help for sure. While you can rebuild the top without pulling the head, or splitting the cases, you'll definitly want to pull the oil pan and clean the oil pump screen, I'll bet its coated with flecks of someone else's assembly debris. A shop vac works well.