Author Topic: 69 Cb175 k3 Help  (Read 1377 times)

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Offline livetoskate

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69 Cb175 k3 Help
« on: July 22, 2009, 07:20:26 PM »
I have been trying to get my 1969 cb175 K3 running and finally made it happen, but I can't get it to idle right.
It will start up and then when I give it gas it will stay reved up and slowly come back down and then stall. I have cleaned the carbs twice and set the valves and timing and point gap.
Any ideas/Help??

Also I put in a new clutch cable and it now seems to be slipping but wasnt before.
Sorry for the amateur questions.
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Re: 69 Cb175 k3 Help
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2009, 07:26:45 PM »
Sounds like gas then no gas mate, have you cleaned out the gas tank its self?
The bike is 40 years old so there is bound to be some crap in there and it will block the gas tap, then let some pass, then block again and your carbs will starve, does this sound like what your bike is doing?
I had a CL175 twin years ago, same thing, crud in tank......lots a luck....Hush.
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Offline Bill/BentON Racing

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Re: 69 Cb175 k3 Help
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2009, 08:04:17 PM »
In line filters cheap ins. on bikes w/old tanks.Put them on berore you start fuel flow.
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Offline Bill Vaughan

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Re: 69 Cb175 k3 Help
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2009, 08:26:40 PM »
Do you have a copy of the Factory Service Manual?  If not, take a look at the other recent CB175 post on this board.  I provided a link to a free manual download.  It may help with the clutch adjustment, at the least.
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