How about where on the case mark do you set it? I set it on the F mark but there is some variation there. Set the F mark to the leading edge, trailing edge or the center of the case mark, etc. I did not get out the wheel to see how much degree difference is there. A few degrees of advance/retard can slightly change operating temps. Do the middle cylinders run a bit hotter than the outer cylinders? Small timing difference between them can help/hurt in that regard. It also can affect ease of starting. Advancing the ignition timing generally will decrease ease of starting. How much depends, but it can be factor.
I have mine timed right now on the F mark lined up with the trailing edge of the case mark. This puts it on the retarded side. This is a resurrected, close-to-stock CB550F (came with a "new" rear tire made in 1994 on it) which I am likely to sell soon so I set it up conservatively. I'd rather have maximum friendlyness in starting and low-end power vs tweaking the initial to push the whole curve up for possibly better high-rpm performance on this one. Changing the curve would open up more flexibility but we're just talking about initial timing here.