So I'm building the fire last night as it has become unseasonably cold and as I shut the fire box door the fire seems to flare like there is some sort of accelerate in there?
I close the door and it stops, at this point I would usually just carry on reading my paper and wait for the fire to catch but it's not flaming too well and that flaring I witnessed has me curious (good job it wasn't some visitor who had dumped a rattle can in there).
I opened the firebox door again and I can just make out a very very small shape huddling down between a log and the firebox wall.
Damn it's a wee bird, the fire wasn't working too well anyway due to my laziness in not setting it correctly so I can reach in and grab the poor thing.
As quick as I bring it out of the fire it leaps from my hand and flits around the room, much to the delight of my "chase anything that moves" fox terrier Berle.
I lose sight of the bird behind a chair but Berle has betten me there anyway, thinking he has probably eaten the wretched creature I go to check and find he has a light paw resting on it's back, the bird seems frightened but not paniced totally.
He lets me grab the bird again and taking it outside I can feel it's poor little heart racing, Java says it'll probably die before I can get it outside.
I sit down and lightly brush the soot and ash off her, she blinks at me then seeing the blue sky takes off like a racing pigeon, go you good thing fly away and don't fall down my chimney again, you might not be so lucky next time, Niko the cat might catch you not Berle the dopey dog.