I, like 87% of Americans [Gallup poll:, am pretty darned happy with the system we have today. So spare me the "scare-mongering" label. It is the liberals who have been running this scare-mongering bull about our health-care system ever since FDR. One doesn't need to go far to find a Brit or a Canadian who is unhappy about waiting more than a month for an MRI or a CT. Oh, I guess we won't be able to ask the Brits who had to wait months to get chemo treatments due to rationing (based on postal codes!), because most of them are dead., I would like health care to be cheaper. Free-market economics will make it cheaper as the costs actually become an issue, just like every other market. Instead of stealing money from taxpayers to fund another government monolith with horrible service (like VA Hospitals for crying out loud) and no accountability,
why don't those clowns in congress spend some of that "stimulus" money on useful medical research that might actually reduce the costs, and STIMULATE competition while boosting the economy at the same time?Instead, they want to suck the life out of the middle-class while building their own little government-run empires.
I DON'T kid myself into thinking that any government-run system would ever be cheaper than free-market competition. Only a fool would believe that! The government is the only entity that has no accountability, and can force people to pay whether they actually receive any service or not. If you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail. Simple as that. It doesn't matter whether they do a good job or not.
In fact, at the cost of the current legislation in congress at $1 Trillion per year, thats a tax increase of $3,333 for every man, woman and child in this nation, with no savings whatsoever. Of course, since only 100 Million of those 300 Million Americans actually pays taxes, that ends up being
$10,000 per year in additional tax burden per taxpayer.
One of my oldest friends works at the NIH. She assesses research projects for government grants for both private companies and educational institutions. NOT ONE DOLLAR of the "stimulus" program has been set aside for private research into healthcare by small businesses. NOT ONE DOLLAR.
How is that helping to bring down the costs of health care?
How is that helping to spur competition and innovation?
How is Cash for Clunkers keeping down the cost of health care?
How is 800+ pages of TARP and TALF and whatever the hell else they've squandered $1.5 Trillion of our tax money on (that's another $5000 PER PERSON in this nation) helping to keep down the cost of health care?
Hey, anybody ever get a second opinion?
Under the UK's NHS socialized, single-payer system, "you do not have a legal right to a second opinion".
According to the NHS, a second opionion is "rarely refused". However, it is clear that second-guessing your doctor is highly frowned upon, unlike in the US, where it is EXPECTED if you have a serious medical condition.
Oh dear....I hope you really dont believe this stuff Ed.
I know you have ZERO personal experience of what the Uk NHS is like apart from talking to a few ex-colleagues of yours and spending all your time trawling the internet looking for the BAD press reports about the NHS. You are badly misinformed about the reality on the ground. And quoting God regarding your God-given rights (whatever that means) is pointless in this case.
People like you that spread this scare-mongering BS, are dangerous as some other more gullible people might actually believe you. You remind me of those clowns on US talk radio - Limbaugh and the other wankers. Anyone with half a brain knows that 99% of what they say is utter BS and has no factual basis. They spread lies, rumours and BS. Waste of time really.
Now...I personally have had several experiences in dealing with the UK NHS having had several operations over the course of my life. I am one happy customer. I was lucky (nothing to do with God here) to grow up in the UK and benefit from FREE nationalised healthcare where I didnt have to sell my kidney just to pay for my medical expenses. I would never need to go into debt in the UK over medical expenses. Imagine that. Just like the rest of the Western world that has some kind of nationalised healthcare system.
P.S. Before you write your long boring rebuttal about why the US healthcare is the best and most expensive in the it, dont bother...I have heard it all before. Not interested in continuing this for another 10 pages.