Funny, the multi-millionaire eats lunch off his "gold-plated plate and silverware", and he gets over-wrought with deep-seated liberal guilt due to his soaking up millions of dollars over his 15 years as the "head of corporate communications".
List of just some lies I noticed:
* He was the "head of corporate communications", but he pretends that his is upset about the un-insured, and didn't realize it for fifteen years. Anybody want to buy a bridge? His emotional appeal in Virginia left me un-convinced. Of course, he opened and then closed with the emotional appeal, but nothing in between.
* He pushes the 47 million un-insured lie (check the census bureau - it's a lie, no matter how many times they push it).
* He talks about Medicare as though patients on Medicare are happy with government-run healthcare. He ignores the fact that the vast majority of them are paying out of pocket for MediGap private insurance (I've posted it here before, go look it up).
* He talks about "talking points" as if the socialists didn't employ the same tactics. Hell, his interview is great list of socialist talking points.
* He pushes the low-administrative costs for Medicare lie (check the administrative costs, per person it is higher than private insurance, but the payout costs are 6 times higher for Medicare for the same services, so the admin percentages seem smaller.
* He actually has the nerver to refer to Michael Moore's movies as though they had any credibility whatsoever. Stupid people interviewed in Moore's movies keep insisting that "nobody pays", but they ignore that they are paying for it in their paychecks, at the gas pumps, and every time they buy anything, and every time they listen to the radio (RADIO TAXES for crying out loud - where does the stupidity end).
* He claims that insurance companies only "think about numbers". Certainly, all business AND GOVERNMENT needs to think about numbers, since there's only so much money to go around. When he says that insurance companies have to "jack up premiums" in order to offset the rapidly increasing cost of healthcare, how does he think the government will make that better? We already know that existing government-run health care systems DO RATION. They must, otherwise it would bankrupt the government. We've seen the policies in NHS - I've posted it here several times already. The only other way to cover those costs is to continually raise taxes. We know what they do in the UK. I don't think anybody wants it here, except those that don't pay taxes.
* The show knocks the claim that many of the "uninsured" choose to go uninsured. Hey, HT aren't you "going nekkid"?
Again, the Democrats DO want to appear as "the generous protectors" of the people. As I've been saying all along, it is with other people's money. Remember the old line, "I'm from the government. I want to help".
Please take the time to let this video load and then watch it. I'm curious what both sides of the debate will have to add. Being on the inside of medicine and knowing how insurance really works behind the scenes, I'd like to see how many eyes are opened and how many choose to stay closed.

(There is a full transcript below the video if it would make it easier for you and maybe take less time if your video loads as slow as it did for me.)