I finally read the healthcare thread. What a effing waste of my time. I need a shower after this.
How about people with a stubbed toe or a cut on their finger stay out of my
TRAUMA ER for starters? With or without insurance, people are effing stupid and muck up the care system themselves. Go to the effing
doctor, #$%*. An ER visit starts around $500 at most hospitals around the country. There is a reason for that, it is intended for
serious stuff and is assumed that you are there for something serious and immediate. Versus $25 copay at the docs office for the little stuff. Still, they flock to the ER because this is the worst thing
ever and they need the assistance of a
trauma surgeon to put 2 stitches in their trigger finger. How about people get off their cell while driving and pay attention? Or not drive 107mph and then use the rear end of a Subaru full of innocent people to slow down? Or how about they don't stab their husband in the liver but divorce him instead when he cheats? How about they don't do backflips off the rock cliff into water, when they have no idea whether there are more rocks just under the surface? How about people with effing scooters actually learn to ride them and get a license first so they don't flip themselves down an embankment in their own driveway?
If you don't like today's care, how about we just forego all of the "expensive" modern inventions that costs university hospitals to invent in the 1st place. You do have the right to just not do it ya know. Why don't we just go back to putting people in body casts for a broken hip and take the chance of them dying from pneumonias. They'll never be able to walk on it very well even if they live through it but since they won't have the too high bills, it won't matter, right? Yes sir, it
would be cheaper by tens of thousands compared to a hip replacement/fix and it would only take a mere 6-8 months to weight bear. You could go
home to convalesce and save $$. Think of the fun and bonding involved in your wife wiping your ass for you while you're in the cast for that long. Imagine the stench...

How about the propensity for obesity in this country? How about we don't stuff our pie holes with McDs to the point of explosion and then complain you didn't get the lunch you wanted. (to the nurse aide that is elbow deep in your rolls, trying to clean you) That was after you needed a uhaul to get you to the hospital when your bowels totally quit.
I see lots wrong on both sides of the issue. I see it upclose and personal every day. Medical people do their best to get it right and help people. It is very apparent when someone is there for the wrong reasons and they don't last. It is also apparent that our "sophisticated" society of humans, for the most part, only care about themselves and don't see what is going on around them. Like the guy who gets hit by a car on his bicycle. He had a broken hand. He drug it out,
needed to be kept in the hosptial,
needed attention constantly, was in
soooo much pain.... he
needed to be in the hospital in his mind, taking up a bed. He doesn't think who might need one of those rooms... where another guy was hit by a car on his cycle, was literally torn in 1/2, almost everything broken, machine breathing for him, in a medically induced coma until he heals enough to handle it, his mom and wife crying over him and praying he not only lives but can talk and think, maybe eventually wipe his own ass again...
I would love to see everyone have health coverage, which by the way, is different than healthcare. It has been interchanged quite often in this thread and it really isn't the same thing at all. I would also like to see go with that, people who use it responsibly so that it will actually work. Abuse is rampant by the users. If it takes the govt to get it done, instead of the citizens, then so be it. For those of you who balk at the govt getting involved, I understand your trepidation. It sucks. But I also don't see any of you out there getting it done, just griping about how it affects "YOU". Every hospital could use some volunteers ya know... Also, Ed, when you question the price of gas to someone in another country and try to link it with why our healthcare system is better somehow, just look up why our gas is cheaper... it is govt subsidy that keeps it lower here and isn't tied into the price of healthcare at all. Really.
Unbelievable dude.

As for those who think without insurance you can't get care, my hospital takes everyone. Homeless, uninsured, noncitizens... it's a non profit university hospital. Many others will defer you to one like mine so they don't have to foot the bill. Hospitals do deserve to make a profit in order to keep in business and keep being able to provide services. It's a necessary evil. The HMO owned ones are a conflict of interest. Plain and simple.
Universal healthcare has my vote. So does simple rules about how to use it so the system isn't overloaded and abused by the people. Then those who really need the extra attention and care will be able to get it quickly. All win.
Now put that cigarette down and lay off the twinkies...