i think it's interesting that many people like bobbyR, who are self-described conservatives are crossing party lines on this though.
just curious though: why is it conservatives weren't up in arms when two wars were raging, and were never accounted for in budget at all? for that matter, why do conservatives never seem to care about the defense budget? all that laissez-faire economics requires a strong arm?
I am as Conservative as I was in the 1970's. The so called Conservatives have moved so far right, I am almost a Liberal according to their positions.
Ed, the Wars drains our resources. I was caught up in one, and you have no idea what it costs in money and lives to get what appears to be no positive outcome like Vietnam. So the Wars are part of our fiscal problems.
I may be Conservative, but I do not right from wrong. The third party insurers and not funding reseach, their goal is to collect more premiums than they pay out in claims. Like any other Insurance Company.
As I have said earlier l am not sure the US is ready to convert to the NHS model you will find in Europe. I would advocate an INDEPENDENT not profit option. The Government would cover the premiums for the poor as they do now, so you would be paying for what you pay for now. Medicaid would be dismantled, and perhaps the VA, since private Hospitals may offer better care closer to home, or more specialized care in some of our top Medical centers.
This independent Company would be able to negotiate prices with Drug Companies, and since they do not trade stock, Doctors, and not Wall Street influences care decisions.
The existing Companies can certainly bid for business in the Marketplace as they do now. Large Companies can stay as they are now providing employee benefits through US Healtcare, etc. If an Employee wishes to opt out and go with the public option, they would get what the employer is paying the preferred Company for benefits and go Public. If they decided to be cute and take the money an run, it would be taxed at 100%
Not a perfect solution, but once that preserves free enterprise, limits Federal inflluence and maybe get some decent care for for people. I am all about people.
Small employers would be able to cover employees, and self employed individuals could buy an affordable policy.