as posted before, my problem was low power under throttle, caused by 1 and 4 dropping off. I could clean off the plugs (all wet and fouled), put them back in, and it was ok for a minute or two. Then, the same problem would show up. Was it carb? Was it spark? Was it timing? I was (and still am) frustrated as heck. Blah blah blah...... you know the story.
Here's what I found today! I maybe have looking in the wrong place, because I checked for spark, at the plug, found it to be present, and moved on to air/fuel. Originally, I would ground the plugs from the offending cylinders, crank the motor, and watch them spark. So, I figured all was well, and kept searching elsewhere. TODAY, I tested the GOOD cylinders by sticking a screwdriver into the boot and holding the shaft maybe 1/8 from a grounded bolt. Result- thick blue spark that you can hear (crack crack crack). Then, I did the same thing with the wires from the "bad" cylinders. Result- very very thin little whispy spark. The differnce between the size of the spark from the "good" and the "bad" cylinders is very significant. Maybe like comparing a high E string to a low E string on a guitar.
BUT, I had the coil for that side tested. The guy showed me a spark jumping like 1/2 on the tester. He immediately told me "no problem with this coil". ?? What could be causing this weak spark issue (the points are gapped at .38 so I don't see them as contributing). I have also clipped the wires back 1/2" and re-screwed the boots in. I think the connection is fine.