Well I survived the trip from Yass to Sydney, I stalled checking out from the motel until most of the ice had fallen off my bike cover, but the cleaning lady threatened me with the toilet brush if I didn't bugger off, so I bravely headed off into a bleak, cold, drizzly morning.
Since I switched back to Shell V Power my fuel economy returned to pre-yesterday figures, I filled up again in Goulburn and for that 180 Km (112 miles) from Gundagai where I filled up last night, I only used 9.5 litres of gas. (sorry Jerry, I'm too tired/drunk to work it out for you, but you're a pharmacist, so I'm guessing you can use a calculator, ha ha!)
It rained on and off for the last couple of hundred kilometers into Sydney, but this bike is amazing, as long as you're doing over 30 miles per hour the rain just flies over the top, my gloves were still dry, my pants were dry, and just the toes of my boots were damp, but I was wearing "Seal Skins" waterproof socks, so my feet were toasty warm too.
Now you guys who haven't served probably think that the army is one really professional organisation that prides itself on efficiency and getting things done right first time, but in reality, "administration-wise" it's rubbish. I arrived at the barracks at 1400 (2 pm Jerry) and then went thru a comic opera of trying to obtain a set of keys for my room in the Sergeants Mess, that went for approx 2 hours, with the end result of me riding back out into the rain to get a room at the motel I spotted 5 kilometers back.
I've always said that if you wanted to invade Australia you'd just wait for the weekend and walk right in, and there wouldn't be a problem, as long as you didn't expect a room when you got there............ Ah well, the meal I had at the Chinese restaraunt next door to the motel more than made up for it, it was expensive (particularly with all the Jack Daniels I drank) but I put it on my Defence Department diners club card, which gave me some pleasure............
Anyway, tomorrow is another day, I'm warm, dry, and I didn't kill any small animals or have to push a huge motorcycle, so I shouldn't biatch. Thanks for your comments and wishes guys, stay tuned for the next installation when I take the coast road (with corners, woohoo!) back home, next Saturday. Have a good one men, and TC, that was poetry mate, it's gonna be my new signature line, Cheers!

p.s., Charlie, my number is 0439205872.