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Offline Terry in Australia

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Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« on: July 25, 2009, 05:02:31 PM »
Well it's the middle of winter here in Oz, but real men (and dickheads like me......) never let an opportunity for a decent ride pass them by, the Army offered me a week in sunny Sydney to work at a "Special Forces" unit there, (no, I won't be teaching them my own brand of martial arts, "Terry-Fu", my method of killing your opponent with a withering stare......) and because of the swine-flu pandemic, I convinced them to pay me to ride my BMW the 1200 mile round trip!

I took it for a "shake-out" ride of 400 miles earlier in the week, and nothing fell off (including me) and it was really pleasant cruising along at 80 MPH in the sunshine, and even in the rain it was more than bearable. I took it home, gave it an oil and filter change (it's been fed a diet of fully synthetic engine oil all it's life, and I was surprised that three years after buying it with 90,000 miles on the odo, there was still 3.5 litres of oil in it, the recommended fill quantity) and deemed it ready for the big ride.

Yesterday, I woke late, had a nice breakfast with the family, packed my bag/panniers, and set off. Now during the shake-out ride I was getting an incredible 20 Km/Litre (56 Miles per imperial gallon) fuel mileage using Shell 98 Ron "V Power", so for a distance of 340 Km I was only using 17 litres of V Power. My thing then, was that I would do 300 Km (200 miles) per leg between gas stations, with no stops in between.

First mistake I made, was I filled up with BP Ultimate (another "fuel saving" 98 Ron gas) and I ran right out of fuel (20.3 litres) after only 306 Kilometers! Fark! I pushed that big blue bugger 2 miles up over a freeway overpass to refuel it, luckily enough (it's fuel injected) it fired right up, and apart from the 30 minutes of pushing and the amusement this caused my fellow gas station customers, but once I threatened them with a tad of "Terry Fu", they all fell silent and stared at their feet.........

I rode on for another 300 kilometers that were almost problem free, but I did manage to murder a great big rabbit just north of Gundagai (where the dog sat on the tuckerbox.....) when the silly bugger sat in the middle of the freeway staring at my headlight as I approached him at 90 Mph, there was two distinctive "thump-thump" noises (was it "Thumper"?) as I passed over him, saddened that I'd taken a life, but heartened that it wasn't a Kangaroo.....

I stopped overnight at Yass, in the New South Wales highlands, nice motel, warm shower, couple of drinks and bed, woke up to a frosty morning (probably minus something outside as I type this) and a hot breakfast served to my room, not bad at all. Today I've got another 300-odd Kilometers to go to get to Sydney, so I'm hoping it all goes well. Wish me luck men, and I'll come back here once I hit "the big smoke"! Cheers, Terry. ;D   
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2009, 05:08:03 PM »
"Dickhead"?  I doubt that.  I can hardly wait for the next installment.
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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Offline Hope

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2009, 05:18:54 PM »
I don't envy you with a high of 53°F and a low of 41°F there in Yass tomorrow.  I sit here in Louisiana with tomorrow's high of  92° F  and the low of  74° F.

I only ride my bike a few days in the winter, but we only have a few days of real winter....

Be safe!  Poor Thumper.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 05:20:56 PM by Hope »

Offline Gordon

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2009, 05:22:45 PM »
"Dickhead"?  I doubt that. 

Yeah!  How do you know those other guys are dickheads like you? ;D ;D

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2009, 10:23:06 PM »
You really gotta quit mixing those measurements. No wonder you ran out of gas. Miles was fine, then you started that liter #$%*. Then KM. And what's this Ron #$%*? I'm just getting used to our Canadian stuff and you go and throw in that OZ #$%*. On top of that imperial too. I'll have to talk to sam about you  ;)

You really gotta take pity on us dumb ass Americans  ;D
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2009, 10:37:23 PM »
Yeah Terry......................exactly what Jerry said...................PLUS.............when are ya gonna tell me what oil filter will fit my adaptor???? You switched up on me and made the one that will take the original cannister.........I don't WANT the original cannister!!!! I want one that takes a more common spin-on filter!!!!!!..............................................just giving ya sh!T dude!!!!! Enjoy your "BIG MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE" and get back to me later!!!!..................................OH....and one other should know better than to get anal about calculating gas milage and relying on it when you are out in the weeds with no gas stations around!!!!......................... :D
MEMBER # 257
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Offline oldbiker

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2009, 12:09:19 AM »
Hi Terry, you mean to say you didn't put that rabbit in your tucker bag! Now all my illusions are shattered. Have a good ride, John.

Offline IAmCitizenMe

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2009, 12:23:32 AM »
Yeehaw! Sounds fun.

Offline toycollector10

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2009, 12:44:33 AM »
Somewhere in The Lucky Country, A "Special Forces" consultant glides stealthily through the night.

Invisible to small burrowing mammals, he proves to be as deadly as he is handsome.

Other Aussie Battlers, oblivious to his lethal, yet essential and fully tax payer funded road trip, sleep soundly and safely in their beds.

Nice work mate     :D
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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2009, 02:05:02 AM »
Did ya remember to scrape the rabbit off the tyres?? :D

Offline 750goes

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2009, 02:52:35 AM »
G'day Terry,

Clyde mentioned you were coming to Sydney this week...if we get a chance would be good to meet you.....send us a PM if you can make Penrith sometime this week..or ley me know your caontact details... my shout for the first two drinks only - unless you bring the vegemite....

Went on a great ride on Saturday with the Hawkesbury Historic annual day out....while you were humping the rabbits on the way to it was cold in Yass as well - brass monkey weather..



Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2009, 03:03:29 AM »
Yeah Terry......................exactly what Jerry said...................PLUS.............when are ya gonna tell me what oil filter will fit my adaptor???? You switched up on me and made the one that will take the original cannister.........I don't WANT the original cannister!!!! I want one that takes a more common spin-on filter!!!!!!..............................................just giving ya sh!T dude!!!!! Enjoy your "BIG MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE" and get back to me later!!!!..................................OH....and one other should know better than to get anal about calculating gas milage and relying on it when you are out in the weeds with no gas stations around!!!!......................... :D

G'Day Fred, geez mate, haven't you installed that cooler yet? Now I searched thru my PM's from you from a couple of years back, and it seems I did give you the details for the filter I used, maybe you forgot?

"Re: oil filter
« Sent to: Terry in Australia on: May 05, 2007, 03:52:33 pm » Quote Reply Remove   

Hey Terry,Congrads on the new job and thanks for the info on the Baldwin filter. I just started a new job on March 19th.I am a mechanic at an auto repair/parts house up in mountains about 60 miles from where I live (will be moving there soon to be closer to work and get outa the big #$%*ty city!! Anyway,I gave them the PH2865A Fram # you gave me and they crossed it to a Wix 51390 which they had in stock. The only thing is that it is painted white and doesn't look good. I like the red Baldwin (matches my red tank) & is a good brand filter.Let me know if you find any others that will work....especially chrome,black,or red. I am noticing that this is kind of a rare bird like you said (fits early 70's Honda cars). I haven't been to Napa or Car Quest yet"

Anyway, like I suggested way back then, just take the adapter to a place that sells oil filters and try a few on mate, it aint that hard, ha ha! Cheers, Terry. ;D

I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2009, 03:52:06 AM »
Well I survived the trip from Yass to Sydney, I stalled checking out from the motel until most of the ice had fallen off my bike cover, but the cleaning lady threatened me with the toilet brush if I didn't bugger off, so I bravely headed off into a bleak, cold, drizzly morning.

Since I switched back to Shell V Power my fuel economy returned to pre-yesterday figures, I filled up again in Goulburn and for that 180 Km (112 miles) from Gundagai where I filled up last night, I only used 9.5 litres of gas. (sorry Jerry, I'm too tired/drunk to work it out for you, but you're a pharmacist, so I'm guessing you can use a calculator, ha ha!)   

It rained on and off for the last couple of hundred kilometers into Sydney, but this bike is amazing, as long as you're doing over 30 miles per hour the rain just flies over the top, my gloves were still dry, my pants were dry, and just the toes of my boots were damp, but I was wearing "Seal Skins" waterproof socks, so my feet were toasty warm too. 

Now you guys who haven't served probably think that the army is one really professional organisation that prides itself on efficiency and getting things done right first time, but in reality, "administration-wise" it's rubbish. I arrived at the barracks at 1400 (2 pm Jerry) and then went thru a comic opera of trying to obtain a set of keys for my room in the Sergeants Mess, that went for approx 2 hours, with the end result of me riding back out into the rain to get a room at the motel I spotted 5 kilometers back.

I've always said that if you wanted to invade Australia you'd just wait for the weekend and walk right in, and there wouldn't be a problem, as long as you didn't expect a room when you got there............ Ah well, the meal I had at the Chinese restaraunt next door to the motel more than made up for it, it was expensive (particularly with all the Jack Daniels I drank) but I put it on my Defence Department diners club card, which gave me some pleasure............

Anyway, tomorrow is another day, I'm warm, dry, and I didn't kill any small animals or have to push a huge motorcycle, so I shouldn't biatch. Thanks for your comments and wishes guys, stay tuned for the next installation when I take the coast road (with corners, woohoo!) back home, next Saturday. Have a good one men, and TC, that was poetry mate, it's gonna be my new signature line, Cheers! ;D

p.s.,  Charlie, my number is 0439205872.
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2009, 04:20:25 AM »
Here's a map, not very accurate, but funny, just the same.............  ;D

I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline 333

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2009, 06:23:42 AM »
Nice map, there Terry.  But I don't seem to see a coast, much less a coast road! ;D ;D ;D
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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Offline andy750

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2009, 06:33:36 AM »
Somewhere in The Lucky Country, A "Special Forces" consultant glides stealthily through the night.

Invisible to small burrowing mammals, he proves to be as deadly as he is handsome.

Other Aussie Battlers, oblivious to his lethal, yet essential and fully tax payer funded road trip, sleep soundly and safely in their beds.

Nice work mate     :D

Excellent!! This made me laugh....keep going Terry! We are waiting for the next installement!!!

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Where did you go on your bike today? -

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2009, 06:36:59 AM »

      Hey Terry, I checked in on this, on the 1st installment and didn't get to kick in something, because I had to get with it and take care of a few things. Then I didn't really get back to it til this morning. Too bad about the cold weather mate, we're having to DEAL WITH 82  degrees Farenheit and a high of only 92!  ::)  So, we ALL have our things that we have to cope with. :D ;)

      Seriously Terry, glad that you are able to get OUT THERE with that bike and do your thing. ;)  And, I know exactly what you mean about getting accommodations AND the Details worked out. Been there AND done that myself! ::) :D    
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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2009, 10:48:53 AM »
Hey Peewee,

Seriously (seriously) whats the stuff about this Ron guy pertaining to your gas/gasoline/petrol/fuel (did I get all the conversions on that one?)? Do you still get the choice of pure gas and ethanol AND 98 octane? Wow, that'd be nice! I gotta go get my slide rule to figure this one out. I didn't get a calculator when I was in the military Sarge. Probably because I was just a lowly E4.

Keep up the good work with the Diners Club card. You've earned it!

SP4 Jerry   
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2009, 03:36:49 PM »
Well I'm just about to (carefully) ride over to the BMW shop, the "Bavarian Rabbit Killer" has developed a nasty habit of not releasing the front brake when I want it to, so I'm guessing that the fluid is in need of replacing and there might be a blockage in the return jet in the MC, but as I don't want to come to grief on the 600 mile (+) trip home on the weekend, and as I don't have my fully equipped workshop here, I'll take it to someone who does.

Anyway, I just about need new tires after almost 12,000 miles on the Michelin front/Bridgestone rear combo installed in 2005, and my travel allowance from the Army was so generous I can afford a full service, new tires and the brakes fixed and still have money for food, accommodation and good bourbon on the return trip, so it's a "win-win"! Cheers, Terry. ;D   
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Sam Green Racing

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2009, 05:16:36 PM »
You really gotta quit mixing those measurements. No wonder you ran out of gas. Miles was fine, then you started that liter #$%*. Then KM. And what's this Ron #$%*? I'm just getting used to our Canadian stuff and you go and throw in that OZ #$%*. On top of that imperial too. I'll have to talk to sam about you  ;)

You really gotta take pity on us dumb ass Americans  ;D

For Gods sake Jerry, don't drag me in with this crazy sheep shagger and rabbit fcuker ;D ;D ;D ;D

Have a good week Tel and a safe ride home ;) ;) ;)

Sam. ;)
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Offline 333

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2009, 05:22:38 PM »
I'm now trying to conjure in my mind a combination of a cross between Elmer Fudd with a thick German accent saying...

You must know what's coming.......

"Be vewry quiet.  We'wre hunting wabbits".
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2009, 06:33:47 PM »
..and my travel allowance from the Army was so generous I can afford a full service, new tires and the brakes fixed and still have money for food, accommodation and good bourbon on the return trip, so it's a "win-win"! Cheers, Terry. ;D   

Why do I get the feeling the Australian defense budget is going to be a little higher next year?  ;)
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2009, 09:20:49 PM »
Damn got the cheese this time fer sure!!!!! ;D
MEMBER # 257
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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2009, 10:57:05 PM »
A spokesman for the Australian Department of Defence recently announced the cancellation of the failed $950 million Kaman Seasprite helicopter project.

Also announcing cost over-runs on the $3.45 billion Project Wedgetail, over the horizon radar project, the spokesman stated that the defence budget had completely blown out.

Ongoing unanswered financial questions regarding a mystery "Special Forces" consultant are also adding uncertainty as to the security of Australia.

Citing an endless thirst for more and more Shell 98 ron "V power",  Jack Daniels, motel accomodation and Chinese food, the said consultant remains a niggling thorn in the side of the DoD.

The spokesman was quoted as saying "It wouldn't be so bad, if we only knew where he was, what the hell he was doing, and why".
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Re: Terry's big motorcycle adventure!
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2009, 11:01:42 PM »
i just lost my coffee, thanks TC
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