Well all, I have been doing somewhat better. Still have thoughts, but not as bad of a reaction.
Still have things pop up though (job related things, that should not be). For one, the the "Special Ed teacher" that both boys (that I work with) had, along with Karla. Brenda had
several run-ins with This teacher Karla doesn't like her and both boys had problems with her as well. I've had MY share of problems with her, because of the main young man that I work with also. But, just the fact that Brenda had problems with her, is enough reason for ME not to want anything to do with her. She claims that she doesn't want to take anytime away from me or a young lady, who works
with the other young man. So, she starts out with just a few hours (enough to get on the books. Then, today, this woman calls both of us and is asking questions about OUR schedules with him and tells the you woman that she just doesn't see that a few hours like she presently has, will be worth it. "Did you catch the part where she doesn't want to take any away from
us?" AND yet, she's complaining that she isn't getting much.

What an idiot!!!!!!!!
Then, I needed to go by Bost and get some info on filling out our paper work (you see, Brenda did
ALL of the paperwork and keeping up with the hours and mileage). While I was there, I found out that the youngman (who lives with me and that I work mainly with)'s mother is trying to get hired by BOST, so she can work with her son and (knowing her, along with her history), I can not believe she is up to any good. Brenda called her the "Teflon Moron!" Nothing that she does (which is mostly wrong), sticks to her, it just seems to slide right off.

Brief History (numerous tickets/speeding seatbelts etc/, drugs, delinquincy to a minor, several arrests, messy divorce with 4 kids also involved her lesbian affair, Accident trying to cross a major hwy with no light and cause her and 4 kids to go to the emergency room putting 3 of them in the hospital /and she crossed over a road that had a traffic light on the main hwy also/, Her oldest daughter got raped by a drunk that mother had her drive home from a party that mother held Child services was called on her more than once) Now, would YOU want her to have anything to do with YOUR child? I sure hope not.
I plan to stick out BOTH situations as long as humanly possible. But, if it get too screwed up, I hope to have a good amount of our bills paid off and, if things work out like I expect (my financial situation), I could very likely let them have the whole nine yards, take my Dad, my Daughter (if she doesn't decide to do "Alternate Living" again, she like's it up here and the workers she has.) and myself and "Go To The Lake". Just leave the whole mess behind us! I would hate to do that, but, gotta look out for myself as well. I can not wait to get this ALL behind me, so I can concentrate more on Karla, my Dad and 'My Lady" who waits in heaven.