Hang in there brother. One day at a time man, one day at a time. That's all we can do. I feel for you Bill I really really do. I have never lost anyone as close to me as a spouse but I have lost a lot of people and even now, 2, 5, 7, 12, 20, years later I still get sad about their passing. It takes time.
Yeah, that's what I'm tryin to do, just hang in there. Like YOU, I have lost others over the years and there are still times that i remember them and feel it as well. I never really thought about how it would be to be in this position...........and why would I, you know?
There isn't a day that goes by, that I'm not at a loss at why she couldn't still be here? On the other hand, I KNOW that it was her time to go and all. I also know and find
some comfort in knowing that Brenda is up there with the Lord and her Dad and others that have gone on before me. I know that she is feeling great, it's just really hard for me to just let go so easily. It's hard for me to deal with her body having been buried in that cemetery.
It still seems like a nightmare to me, like I'm gonna wake up and she'll be there. Then, everytime I DO wake up, I know that she
is gone and I'm not going to see her again, until
mytime comes and I've got so much to deal with, along with those
who depend on me. It's just not fair. So many changes have taken place (in my life and at work) and so hard to keep up with them all.
BTW, TODAY is one month! This time one month ago, I was frantically trying to wake her up because she had started having problems at 5:30 that morning. By NOW, I had already called 911 and they were here trying to bring Brenda back, trying to get her to respond.