From our top notch hospitals to the rights we are given there is nowhere else in the world you will have so much freedom of choice.
For one thing we are ranked like 30 something in the world for health care quality. Number two, if you are in debt up to your ears because of a system the government has devised, you hardly enjoy any freedom of choice now do you?
Here are the top five reasons I want to leave...
#1.) People. I HAVE been to Europe and many Pacific countries. They are all much nicer and more decent people than in the U.S. Say what you will but a socialist health care program says a lot about a countrie's intent to help his fellow man. So does privitizing health care. I want to experience an actual community of we and not I. The greed and corruption... I know, I know, greed and corruption are every where. Well it seems to be a way of life here in America. If you can't profit from it it's not worth doing. God forbid you just help some one out of the kindness of your heart.
#2.) Crime. I have done some research and crime is less in Europe than it is in America, almost 100% hands down no argument. In a country with the highest rate of child molestation, it's not a place I want my daughter to grow up. Plus I feel like growing up some in another country would enable her to see what else is out there and hopefully make her a little more well rounded of an individual.
#3.) Adventure. I just need a large change in my life. I feel like a new start is the way to go. When I say a new start I do not mean a new start in a different town or state because once you've seen a handful of the major cities in America you can pretty much draw a conclusion about the rest of them. I've been to Minneapolis, Manhatten, Cleveland, Kansas City, Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, Seattle, Austin, and Chicago. Suburb life is just not for me. I need the city.
#4.) Economy. I know this is a sensative subject but I feel like I could do better some where else. I won't get into the particulars because I don't want to turn this into a political thread. I would rather have some one go through my trash to make sure I am recycling properly, because that is in everyone's best interest any way, then pay the government to put a wire tap on my phone unconstitutionally because I once said that I wish Bush would die, so obviously I am a terrorist.
#5.) Career. I know for a fact I couldn't stay away from America forever, maybe I could but it's doubtful. It seems to me that most high end CEO's have all, at some point in their career, worked overseas. So it would be worth the expierence alone plus it'll look great on a resume.
There are more reasons than that but those are the main ones. I just feel it is something I need to do.
Thank you to those of you who have provided me with info it was right on the mark for what I was looking for.