Author Topic: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k  (Read 3322 times)

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Offline 13ill

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just got this bike locally. stored since 1989. 1500 original miles. dig the paint. mild pitting on some chrome. bike sounds like a sewing machine, shifts rides like a 1500 mile bike. motor dry no head gasket or other leaks, weeps, etc. don't know if i should keep as is, find original paint tank and side covers, or sell it. needs a tank clean and has a sticky front caliper.

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2009, 06:18:34 PM »
I'm not particularly fond of the mural, but that's no reason to destroy it.  If you like it, then clean up the inside and ride it, love it for as long as you care too.  Might want to consider a 2nd tank with original paint colors for a stock restore.  Looks like you are 98% of the way there!

Nice Find!
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Offline manjisann

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2009, 06:22:42 PM »
yeah, not a huge fan of the mural, but after painting my bike I have a lot of respect for anyone that can do good paint and that looks pretty good. If you don't like it, try seeing if you can find someone with a stock setup and swap the side panels and tank for a stock setup. Other than that why would you want to get rid of the bike? If it's as tight as you say, keep it, treat it good, and you'll likely stop functioning before it does. These old hondas are very good if you are willing to put a small amount of time and effort into keeping them up.

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

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Offline NickC

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2009, 06:46:32 PM »
It's horrible. The tank has completely destroyed the bike. It is now a worthless scrap of metal and I will be happy to take it off your hands for $50 ;D ;D ;D

Offline cb650PK

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 06:59:46 PM »
76 CB550k is known as the widow maker, especially in mint stock condition. Terribly dangerous bike. Save your self, and give it to me.
           It's perfect, mural and all, don't do anythink to it. :)
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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2009, 07:20:04 PM »
That thing looks so bad, I wouldn't dare be seen on that bike with that paint job, but I will help you out and bring you $100.00 cash for it so you won't have to be seen on it. LOL..................................................................... Just kidding man you found a nice treasure I'd love to be so lucky, but seriously I would do something with the paint.
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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2009, 07:23:34 PM »
Is that mint condition '73 GT550 Suzy yours, too? Those are great bikes!

With a sticky caliper, the Honda is junk. I'll take it away for you.  ::)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 10:19:51 PM by HondaMan »
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Offline Achmed

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2009, 07:24:00 PM »
Ha ha I like the paint! Sweet looking bike! You don't need the forum's advice on what to do with it. Do what you will. But don't cafe, chop or bob it in my humble opinion.

Offline IndyFour

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2009, 07:26:49 PM »
Wow....that bike looks great!  Ride it!  The pipes look to be in great shape too.  Wish mine looked that good.

I have to ask, though.....what exactly is on the tank mural??  It appears to be a man holding hands with an alien near a volcano.  ::)
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Offline Popwood

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2009, 07:27:37 PM »
You are a lucky guy. It looks to be in such great condition. What I find! My first reaction to the mural is kinda corny but that's my taste. Anyway, even if it were mine, I'd live with it as is for awhile before making any decisions on the tank. It just might grow on you.
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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2009, 07:36:31 PM »
If it was a piece of poo I would say make something wild. It's farking great as it is, keep it and ride. If you don't like the tank, just ebay a decent one and paint it a color of your choice. Alternately the tank as it is will generate lots of conversations, has great color, and composition.

BTW, if you don't want it, I would glady take it off your hands  ;D
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 07:38:23 PM by davephipps »
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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2009, 07:40:20 PM »
That is the mark 5 version, known in these parts as "old hole in the ground you throw money into" I'd get rid of it right away, know a guy in New Zealand will give you $20 if you are quick. :D
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Offline honda750k

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2009, 07:43:26 PM »
I dig it. you need new tires for sure, the originals are trash now after sitting for so many years and hardening.

Leave it as is, and get a 2nd tank/set of covers for it, if you want to look like stock.
These bikes dont die, they hibernate until the right person wakes them up again.

Offline bender01

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2009, 11:41:12 PM »
Hmmmmm. Cougar bait?
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So, the strategy is to lie to people you are asking for help?

I think I'll be busy going for a ride.

Good luck!
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Offline Deltarider

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2009, 04:20:30 AM »
I know that bike. It brings bad luck. Over the years it has passed from one hand to the other and has caused many, many casualties. Because it looks so desirable, many were (and are) tempted to pay much money to achieve it. I've seen irresponsible offers of - believe it or not - no less than $50,-!  Not much later they all find out it brings nothing but mischief. This bike is a true Flying Dutchman and needs to be harboured home for once and for all.
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Offline 13ill

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2009, 04:22:45 AM »
Wow....that bike looks great!  Ride it!  The pipes look to be in great shape too.  Wish mine looked that good.

I have to ask, though.....what exactly is on the tank mural??  It appears to be a man holding hands with an alien near a volcano.  ::)

its a male and female walking/running towards/away from the sunset with a tree on the right. my 27 year old daughter stated "must be adam and eve getting kicked out of eden and passing the tree of knowledge."
i guess that sums it up. a mural is whatever the viewer interpets it to be.
 whew, that was heavy. 8)

Hmmmmm. Cougar bait?
probably one of the best responses i've ever seen posted, anywhere.

Offline Deltarider

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2009, 04:27:21 AM »
"must be adam and eve getting kicked out of eden and passing the tree of knowledge."
Need I say more.
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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2009, 05:23:29 AM »
Actually the 550K '76 for me personally is the most desirable of the 500/550 series and here is why. It's the last model with the four original exhausts, that allow correct finetuning. In spite of the F1, that had most power to offer, I prefer the looks of this model. The oldstyle carbs, that are so easy to work on compared to the later PDcarbs. It's all in all the model that stays closest to the original by offering most of the features that were good from the beginning and least of what had become 'mode'. In detail: there is the reliable engine and updated transmission. There are those wonderful harmonicarubbers that used to protect forkseals so well before shiny legs became mode, where sunbaked remains of just one fly could ruin your seal. There is the oldstyle, elegant and sober dash with just four idiot lights and not the cheaplooking setup with that insulting fifth idiot light (I mean who needs to be informed WHAT indicator is on? Who else but a true idiot). The modest ignition key is still under the tank, where it can do no harm. I bet you have the wires tidy through the handlebar. And there is the old style reliable airfilterbox free from unnecessary tubes.

don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k

I know what I would do if it were mine. For a good riding position I would select the handlebars that were on the Euromodels (with the holes that'll allow wires to go through them. I would change those gruesome big indicators and taillight for the elegant smaller size type of the old 550.
Strangely enough, this model was never imported overhere. We had the 500K2 '76. I've never understood why this was.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 07:44:40 AM by Deltarider »
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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2009, 05:30:14 AM »
bike looks mint! get another tank and sell the mural one off. I'm sure you can get some coin for it.

Offline HondaMan

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2009, 07:22:41 AM »
just got this bike locally. stored since 1989. 1500 original miles. dig the paint. mild pitting on some chrome. bike sounds like a sewing machine, shifts rides like a 1500 mile bike. motor dry no head gasket or other leaks, weeps, etc. don't know if i should keep as is, find original paint tank and side covers, or sell it. needs a tank clean and has a sticky front caliper.

Where are you?
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Offline Deltarider

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2009, 07:31:42 AM »
Don't tell him!!!
CB500K2-ED Excel black
"There is enough for everyone's need but not enough for anybody's greed."

Offline 13ill

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2009, 07:34:10 AM »
just got this bike locally. stored since 1989. 1500 original miles. dig the paint. mild pitting on some chrome. bike sounds like a sewing machine, shifts rides like a 1500 mile bike. motor dry no head gasket or other leaks, weeps, etc. don't know if i should keep as is, find original paint tank and side covers, or sell it. needs a tank clean and has a sticky front caliper.

Where are you?

in OFallon, Mo. 30 miles west of st louis.

Offline HondaMan

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Re: new to site, don't know what do do with this,1500 miles 76 cb550k
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2009, 07:47:17 AM »
just got this bike locally. stored since 1989. 1500 original miles. dig the paint. mild pitting on some chrome. bike sounds like a sewing machine, shifts rides like a 1500 mile bike. motor dry no head gasket or other leaks, weeps, etc. don't know if i should keep as is, find original paint tank and side covers, or sell it. needs a tank clean and has a sticky front caliper.

Where are you?

in OFallon, Mo. 30 miles west of st louis.

I grew up near there (Licking & Montauk, south of Rolla).
Maybe I should send one of my kin over to take it away for you...
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
Blood is thicker than water, but motor oil is thicker, don't mess with my SOHC4, or I might have to hurt you.
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