Assuming it's a CB750... Removal - I typically remove the airbox first. It's usually best to remove the hoses from the float bowls first, then remove the 2 10mm bolts holding the airbox, then the hose clamps - if your airbox has wingnuts on the bottom, remove them and take off the bottom half of the box, then the top. If there are no wingnuts, just remove the whole box at once. If it has a hose on the top of the airbox, remove that. To make the wrestling easier, spray silicon on the rubber boots - this helps quite a lot.
Taking the carbs off is then a matter of loosening the hose clamps on the carb side of the insulators/hoses/connectors/rubber things. If the carb seems stubborn, some judicious prying with a piece of wood helps. Lastly, I remove the linkage and fuel line.
Upon reversing the process, the silicon spray is more important. Old and stiff carb insulators make "popping the carbs into into position" harder and the silicon really helps there. I've used 2x4s to get the carbs "home". The right way to do it is to get new insulators... I'm not sure if new ones are available for K7/K8s.
Have fun - this is a "right of passage".