stuck caliper/brake pad wouldn't retract so i cleaned/polished the caliper bore and piston, and replaced the piston seal. still stuck, so i disassembled the m/c and found 2 of three ports on the piston end (under the star-shaped thingy) were plugged as was the tiny hole in the bottom of the reservoir. cleaned everything up, confirmed tiny hole is clear and reassembled as i found the parts but now can't get the system bled. no in-your-face stream from the reservoir, just a few bubbles.
removed the m/c from the bike and pumped the lever with the brake line removed - nada.
had plenty of pressure to move the caliper piston before, so i figure somethin's put back together wrong or missing.
on disassembly i noticed that the "secondary cup" was installed onto the piston (about midway) and the "primary cup" was resting against the spring. this doesn't match the search info and pics i've found but did seem to work. did a PO reassemble this wrong? also i do not have the item labeled "check valve". i read this item was not included on later model cb550's - just want to make sure.
am gonna take a break from this for awhile, and thanks for any help,