Saw the bike today. ~30k, owned by the same guy for 20 years, not ridden regularly in about two. His wife made him put it away when he dropped it and hurt his leg pretty bad. The only noticeable damage from the drop is a rear signal that's currently taped into place -- an easy fix. Fairly clean body and engine, faded paint on tank and plastic, chipped paint on engine (black). Overall it's in great condition. New tires, cranks on the first push of the button, no signs of oil leaks, all service handled by local Honda shop. I didn't get to ride as I didn't have my helmet, but I'll be back in the next few days for that. The only problem that jumped out at me was that it idled pretty high, somewhere north of 2k. I figure (hope) that can be easily adjusted with the screw.
I also didn't take any pictures, but I'll have some in a few days. Here's the pic from the CL ad:

Yeah, that seat is hideous (but comfortable!) and I don't think the exhaust is stock, maybe someone can confirm or deny. The carbs looked strange, too; I'll get pictures of those.
All in all, seems like it might be a pretty solid bike. Guy was asking $1100, I offered $900 and he didn't even try to negotiate. He just said that works for him. I think I could have probably talked him down another $100 or so, but $900 is fine by me if it's as good as my first impression.
I was never a big fan of the 79 and up 750's. They are good bikes. I guess its the style of the tank and they seemed to all look alike after 78.
Yeah, no doubt. I certainly prefer the look of the 70s SOHCs, but this style has grown on me over the past year or so. It is kind of a shame, though, that it stayed the same for so long. My brother had a 92 Nighthawk 250 that look identical to this bike (though with much less muscle underneath, of course). I'm pretty sure those little Hawks stayed the exact same right up until they were discontinued a few years ago. I guess if it's not broke, you know?