After it stopped raining took my dogs for a nice hike today in the state game lands/forest near my home. We were about 45 minutes into the hike on a trail that I have never been on before. My dogs normally run out in front of me and stop every so often until I catch up. My one dog Sam came racing back to me and walked by my side slowly. My other dog, Barkley, also came back and went behind me and sat down. I am thinking that they are tired and need some water. I gave them a drink and started walking again but Barkley didn't move. I walked a bit more and he remained still. I turned around to call him and I heard a sharp crack! Up the trail about 20 yards a huge old Oak fell to the ground across the trail. Scared the crap out of me.
Coincidence??? I stated thinking maybe I could have been pasted that tree when it fell or under it. Whoa.
Unbelievable, but my dogs must have sensed something and the smarter one, Barkley, knew enough to sit to stop me from going up the trail. I swear that Barkley smiled at me after that tree hit the ground. Mans best friend for sure.
They got an ice cream treat after dinner this evening. Barkley is now laying at my feet and has not left my side since we got home. Silly dogs.