OK, I did some more looking last night. I disconnected the harness behind the airbox and found the individual wires that go to the stator (female end) and tested them for resistance. They seem to have tested ok, so it's not the stator.
So, Next I went to the Male end of the harness and checked the resistance there, from the harness end to the wires at the Vreg. Everything checkout out there as well. Ok, at this point I was completely confused.
I reconneted the 2 ends and checked the stator resistance again, Now the #1 wire is open and the #3 is closed, What the F? So disconnected again tested the wires from the male end of the harness back to the stator wires at the Vreg and all tested Ok again.
Well this went on a few times for about an hour, maybe less. it felt like an hour though. I was just completely confused.
So, I keep going back and forth until I really look and inspect the blades of the harness it looked like there was a bit of oxidation/corosion taking place on a few of them. Two of them leading to what I call the #1 and #3 wire that connect to the Vreg. I had been putting the probe on th tip/end of the blade and getting a good read. When I put the probe on the flat/broad sides of the blade sometimes I would get a good reading and sometimes it would show OL (open). I all depended on where on the blade I placed the probe.
So my questions are, can I clean the blades or get replacement blades and still have the harness work correctly? I personally don't see why not but does anyone have experience doing this?
Is there an easy way to get to the harness behind the airbox w/o having double jointed fingers?
Should I just go with a new wiring harness? if so, can I find a wiring harness for that section (from male end of harness to the Vreg)? or would it be more efficent to do all the connections, I thnk I counted seven in the harness?
Can some one tell me where the other 4 blades in the harness lead to? I might as well check the resistance of those while I'm at it.
From what I recall This Is what blade within the harness looked liked. The numbers maybe in the wrong place though. Well, They probably only mean something to me anyway. I looked at that thing some many time at so many different angles that I am a little confused on the order. I'll make sure to post the correct illustration this weekend. But I think this is it.
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to help a newbie out with his problem or even read over this to see if they can help out. I am personally feeling more confident working on this bike. I am also now 1 step closer to riding my bike longer than 40 minutes w/o it cutting out. I can't wait to get back on this bike.
Thanks again.