Wow, two posts in and you've already degraded to conversation to "LOL UR GAY." Even vinmans brew can make up enough bull#$%* arguments to fill a few posts.
I'm not the one sitting around on the computer acting like the grammer and spelling Nazi. [/quote]
Your previous posts would indicate otherwise.
I simply said I liked the bike. No I don't spend every waking moment trying to come up with some kind of snappy insult.
Your previous posts would indicate otherwise.
I don't need to wast my life trying to make up for some sort of social inadiquicy. So have fun in life, I hope it goes well for you sorry I don't match up to elder vinman. Piss off.
This would make sense if I was, in fact, trying to make up for some social inadequacy. Instead, I just stopped in from a couple hours of bondo, fiberglass, sanding, cutting, and aluminum fabrication for my 550 for a quick break. I'm sorry that your dislike of my online persona manifests itself as petty character assassinations and ad hominem arguments. I look forward to the day when you finally grow up.