Author Topic: Lack of Forum Participation???  (Read 2987 times)

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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2009, 10:02:14 AM »
I will many times click on a thread I need to learn something I do not know about know and I scan the answers. If I click on a thread I do know about and I see some of our more respected members have given an answer there is no value of me saying "yeah what he said".   
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2009, 11:29:27 AM »
Andy, please tell Blackmax that I use a D8 plug.  Thanks.   :)
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2009, 07:49:38 AM »
Or conversly, when a someone asks for information/links, and then doesn't even acknowledge your response when you take the time to find the links and then post them for the questioner.
And then they ignore your PM asking if your link was helpful.
I think that is the epitome of rudeness ::)
Or, maybe they are just too  8)
If you don't want an answer and can't be bothered with a response then don't waste the bandwidth with your question, that could have been answered with a simple youtube search.
O.K, I'm over it...
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2009, 08:42:50 AM »
I will many times click on a thread I need to learn something I do not know about know and I scan the answers. If I click on a thread I do know about and I see some of our more respected members have given an answer there is no value of me saying "yeah what he said".   

+1 ;)
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2009, 09:32:54 AM »
As stated before me, many people like myself are here to gain knowledge. I am not yet in a position to start doling it out. However, If I see something I can contribute to, I will offer my 2 cents
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2009, 08:30:06 AM »


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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #31 on: July 28, 2009, 10:08:06 AM »




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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2009, 10:23:52 AM »
I try. But I usually don't know what the hell I was talking about. But I try!

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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2009, 05:21:33 PM »
Yeah,I think this forum is quick and helpful,if someone has replied,no need to just agree unless you have something else to add.Better titles would help also.Bill
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2009, 05:25:11 PM »
I refuse to participate in this thread.

Offline ofreen

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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2009, 06:56:27 PM »

Curious to have opinions on it just me?  ;)


For me it is there that is only so much time in a day.  Plus, I've probably been on here too long.  Have seen a lot of the same old questions, so I'll leave it to others.  They will have usually beat me to it anyway, since I get on here about once or twice a day.  Usually while I'm at work.  And if I've seen Lloyd has answered, there's probably not much else to say. ;D

Checking the first page of topics in the tech section (the most worthwhile section) and my thoughts as I scan them -

1. Question about a CB750 with the Tracy Body - beats me, have never seen one except in pictures, and never liked them then.

2. Does this price sound fair? - Not intrigued enough to click on it.

3.  Help in Colorado Springs - Maybe if he/she said what kind of help, but otherwise not curious enough to click on it.
4.  1973 cb500 k2 crazy electrical problems.....  - Sane electrical problems are my specialty, leave the crazy ones to Lloyd.

5. '80 650C Main Jet Size - Beats the hell out of me.  I haven't laid eyes on a 650 Honda for 15 years.

6. Mounting tires, DONE, W/PICS - If I had a nickel for every tire mounting thread I've responded to....
7.  Question from a newb! not mechanical - I wonder why this is in the tech section, then realize he is talking about himself, not the nature of the question.  Will get back to it.
8. Oil light is coming on after a spirited run...why? - Not a bad thread title, but really I need the bike before me to even start.

9.  TURBOCHARGED CB750 WITH ALUMINUM SIDE COVERS - I see SAMCB750A is the last responder to this one.  Who the heck is that? ;D
10.  Oil cooler for a CB500? -  Don't have much experience with CB500s, but doubt they really need an oil cooler since there isn't a lot of power there.  But if I said so in the thread, would probably just hurt the owners feelings.
11.  My '76 550F back on the road after many years stored - That's cool, but I really don't need to click on it to say so.
12.  Vintage Tank Art---OOOH Naughty -  I clicked on this because I am a sucker for naughtiness, only to find it not that naughty.

13.  cb550 rear wheel bearing removal? - Can I get nickels for all my wheel bearing posts, too?
14.  CB750 chain rubbing - Lloyd made sense there.  I guess I could put in a 'me too'.  Naw.
15.  Realistic gas mileage 350F - The only thing I know about CB350s is that Looneymoon sold hers and it seemed a shame.
16.  Can anyone see a reason not to do this? Headlight mount mod - I notice a little bit of a pun in that title.  Not enuf reason to click on it tho.
17. Gl1000, Hondamatic wheels on 750 K0 - I know I have nuthin to offer here.
18.  Changes in titling services - Sounds like a snoozer.
19.  Race Keihin CR31s - where to get parts? - Lowe's or Home Depot?
20.  Forged Piston Kit = Piston Slap?  - I gotta have the bike before me to reach any judgement on this.  Otherwise, speculating is a waste of time.
21. Picking up a 750 K1 tomorrow - That's wonderful.  Next thread....
22.  Anyone ever seen scrambler pipes on a 750?  - Nope, never have.  Not gonna click on that to say so, either.
23.  morani frames - Can't work up any interest...
24.  Can anyone ID this grab bar - My grab bar knowledge is severely limited.  I'll bet if I clicked on it and said so, nobody would be interested.

25.  350f throttle cables - I thought CB350's were fly by wire.
26.  My '72 CB500/4 "German Cafe", Period Fork Brace - Hmmm, a pesky CB500 thread again... ;)
27.  End Cap Leak 1975 CB550 - Must sleep now.
28.  Awesome Honda!!!? -  Awesome!
29.  help me with these spokes!!!!!  - I would but I'm here and you're way over there.
30.  Problems from running rich?  - Running poor is more my specialty.
31.  cylinder two not firing - Bring the bike over and I'll have a look at it.  Bring beer if you want.
32.  Jet size vs drill size -  Dang, Lloyd beat me to it again.
33.  CB750 Head Swap -  Hey, a CB750 head swap thread.  There's been hardly any of those...

OK, that's enough of that.  Sorry Andy, for being a smartass.  I always read your threads, though. ;D
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 06:59:16 PM by ofreen »
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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #36 on: August 05, 2009, 07:14:50 PM »
Jeeze u just condensed the content of the whole forum onto one page. Lot of new people here so I answer where I can. We all learned from someone, so we pass it on.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 11:06:04 AM by BobbyR »
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #37 on: August 05, 2009, 07:46:44 PM »
I have learned a ton from this forum either through asking or just reading.
I don't feel like I have enough years of experience although the few that I
do have have been very successful in getting all of my vintage Hondas on the road.
That is why I usually take advice rather than give it.
I usually search before I ask too. Those are the rules right?
This forum is like a moto library and I always appreciate the help from all of you.

I do agree that some of the threads are easy enough though.


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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2009, 07:58:18 PM »
Most would rather not  sound like a, or come off as a............dumb ass

you pick.

Hey, should I be in the poll section?

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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2009, 08:20:50 PM »
I will throw my self into the mix, I mostly read, I am a novice and don't want to lead some one to the wrong answer, after all these bikes can be frustrating when they don't run correctly. Why add to the frustration, that does not mean however I am not curious enough to look at the link and read it. After all some one when to some trouble to post it. One thing I did not see mentioned (if it was sorry to be redundant) is how many members have 750's, 650's, 500's, 400's etc.. I read alot of CB750 threads because I am in the market to get one and it helps me when I go look at them. Sorry for not replying however I have not had one in 18 years, just the 550 I have today and I have only had that one for like 4 years now...

Just my 2 pennys..
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #40 on: August 06, 2009, 10:12:43 AM »
I refuse to participate in this thread.

I second that emotion.
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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #41 on: August 06, 2009, 12:02:51 PM »


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Re: Lack of Forum Participation???
« Reply #42 on: August 06, 2009, 12:18:02 PM »
I have much to learn in this art of fettling bikes, so I sometimes while away the hours checking afew of the threads that seem to be interesting or something I need to get clued up on. If there are threads I feel I can help by chipping my 2 bits in, without making a complete ass of myself I usually do. But If there's already a couple of dozen replies, then, does it really need my 2 bits?