I think with more bikes out on the road there is increased awareness, but there is also going to be the increased risk of accidents er negligent morons who do stupid stuff.
Gordon, good for you for stopping to help a fellow biker, and good on the crowd for getting the plate number. More and more I'm thinking I should take a basic first aid course that centers around these kinds of situations, I don't want to try and be a hero or do the job of an EMT, but knowing what to and not to do would be helpful I think. I also am thinking of putting a first aid kit stocked for this kinda crap in the trunk of my bike.
I always remember the old biker saying "There are two types of riders, those who have laid their bike down, and those that will." I think that not to freak myself out or sound fatalistic, but it always serves to reinforce the need for proper protective gear to help lessen any injury, and to remain alert while riding.
Keep the shiney side up,