I worked for 2 Honda shops before I opened my shop, which had an attached sales operation.
Both Honda shops struggled because of the single brand label, which Honda enforced from around 1964.
The sales company at my store/shop (TNT Enterprises) sold Honda, H-D, Yamaha, Suzuki, Hodaka and BMW because the main store was a giant. Yamaha wouldn't let them sell Yammies at my shop because the only motorcycle shop in the town (before mine) was a garage-size Yamaha dealer for 12 years (1 mile west of mine), so we sold all the others. If we hadn't done that, we'd never have made it because of the wide pricing differences: riders would come in and drool over the bike they WANTED to ride but couldn't afford, but would buy something less expensive so they could at least ride. In numbers, Suzukis were 50% of all sales, Honda and BMW were neck-and-neck at about 15% each, and the rest was split between H-D and Hodaka, although 95% of Hodaka stuff was parts for bikes already in town.
But, in the shop we took everything: more than 60% of the service work was on Hondas because all the college kids already had them from their homes, somewhere else. In the winter almost 100% of the work was on Hondas because they were being ridden even in the snow, not sure why the others weren't?