Excellent point guys. Never thought about the word "Teflon" being something they can not use. In looking at my Bel-Ray bottle it says "special frictional properties reduce stiction." My Spectro bottle says "anti-foaming properties" but nothing on friction or stiction. I think I may give the Bel-Ray at try and report back. The K4 manual says use ATF, but with the new technology since 1974 I thought I would give a "fork oil" a try. My KO and K1 just called for regular motor oil which I used and both have good dampening for my style of riding which is not aggressive.
I do think at some time some fork oil advertised Teflon in it. But the bloom is off that rose, and the cost of using the name exceeded the extra sales. OCICBW
You won't go wrong with a branded oil, ATF, or even motor oil. Most branded fork oils have seal treatments in them to make the seal last longer. Of course that may cause more stiction.
And double of course, the best stuff ever is the Japanese Fish Oil it came with, but customs laws and duties (huh huh he said dootie) restict its importation and we have to make do with what we have.